Monday, June 21, 2010

Getting Personal

So I have had some requests (well, one request, but the requester is very persuasive - you know who you are) to include some "personal" photos in my Kaleidoscope Project.  I decided that since I do live in New York, my personal photos would also be pieces of New York, and I'd give it a try.  So here goes:

Maybe a little more backstory is in order.  A few days ago, I heroically decided to go for a jog in Central Park, the only problem being that I do not live close to Central Park and stubbornly refused to take the subway or taxi (wouldn't that defeat the purpose of exercise?).  Unfortunately, I drastically overestimated my zen/patience/athletic skill, and after navigating 20 blocks of concrete jungle and nearly being asphyxiated by a mix of smoke-exhaust, I threw a tantrum about 10 blocks and 5 avenues short of Central Park and went home.

On the other hand, I did meet my new friend (pictured above).  I found him randomly on the way home.  He was sitting all alone, quiet and unassuming outside the Trump Tower near the UN.  So you see?  The city giveth, and it taketh away.

(please excuse the low quality of the photo, I only had my iPhone with me)

Midtown.  On iPhone.


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