Monday, August 2, 2010

The High Life

Over the weekend, G.I. Jane impulsively organized a fun evening of drinks at Upstairs, the penthouse rooftop bar at the Kimberly Hotel.  That's Jane's blackberry, caught in a rare moment out of her hands.

It was so great to see friends from the Beehive - the Movers and Shakers taking a well-deserved break.  By the way, the beige drink on the above right is billed as the "manliest drink alive" - rum with notes of tobacco.  I feel like arm-wrestling someone just looking at it.

Summer nights in the city can be so unbelievably pretty - especially observed from a cozy chair on top of a building.  Sure, we don't get starlight, but there's no shortage of the twinkle and sparkle.

That's Sarni's pin-striped arm on the right, by the way.

Midtown.  On Canon Powershot.

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