Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kaleidoscope Project On Location: The Other Coast

Sarni and I took an impromptu trip to the Bay Area in order to enjoy some skiing at Lake Tahoe.  Or so we planned.  Our adventures were foiled by various external circumstances that stranded Sarni and myself in the situation depicted above.  If it's not clear, that's Nola, one of my favorite restaurants in Palo Alto from back in the day.  Outside the window, you might be able to see the torrential downpour that welcomed us to the Bay Area.  On the screen is a DVD of some incredible skiing that the ski gods so thoughtfully provided for our amusement.  Awesome, thanks.

Even without good weather or killer skiing, the Bay Area managed to charm us.  One thing that helped was getting to meet up with a bunch of our good friends for dinner (I don't think I've ever had to color out so many faces in one photo before).  Around the table are Sarni, Dell, Slippie, YL, LB, KU, Cutie, and me.  You may have noticed that a significant number of these friends are former East Coast transplants who defected for the Sunnier Side.  The Friend Drain, I call it.

We also got to spend a lot of time with LB in the Peninsula.  And what's a visit to the Peninsula without a stop at Google, the overlord of all search engines?  Check out these Google bikes we found sitting around, ripe for the taking.  Not that we took any.  You hear that, Google?  We didn't take any!!

Gingerbread man, LB, and the Google Droid.  Three trouble-makers if I ever saw any.

The Google Droid as incredibly huggable, until I leaned in and heard something clunk inside his giant belly.  Gross.  What was that?

LB and I prepare to have a serious conference meeting atop one of the Google Conference Bikes.  (Incidentally, Sarni found out that one of these bikes goes for about 10K Euros - apparently these suckers are popular with the European crowd.)  LB, why aren't you paying attention to my amazing brainstorming?

Bay Area.  On Canon Powershot.

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