Monday, November 1, 2010

Kaleidoscope Project on Location: Las Vegas

The House Always Wins

Once we got to Vegas, we realized that none of us are big gamblers (although Alpha is reputedly a bit of a hustler at roulette).  We put one dollar in a slot machine and won four back.  Here's Beta holding the ticket after we shouted "cash out!  cash out NOW!"  (Beta, I know you were skeptical about my plan to bar out your eyes, but look!  Pink!)  Also, notice the slot machine with the, um, dubious ethnic theme.

We had the BEST lunch at the Jean-Philippe Patisserie in the Bellagio hotel.  Check out this over-the-top chocolate fountain.  You are surrounded by the chocolate pools, and over your head, wait for it...

...ta-dah!  The chocolate feeders!  Nice, huh?  (Is it weird that I wanted to shrink myself and use these fountains as my personal waterslides?)

My berry and whipped cream crepe, which tasted pretty much how it looks (if you think it looks like heaven in crepe-form).

We ate lunch while overlooking Bellagio's impressive pools.

Alpha, Beta and me, after our sugar-infused lunch.  With more pink.

Maycho, Beta and Alpha, after the spectacular failure of my attempt to take an action shot of the three girls jumping.  Notice the bemused/alarmed expression of the onlooker in the background.  I don't think she's even noticed the snarled trees, she's so freaked out by us.

On the Strip, we passed the cutest scene - three pairs of couples chatting by the Bellagio fountains.  Except one of the couples was of the avian variety.  "What do you mean, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?  I saw you checking out that sparrow!"

Sunset behind the Strip.

But it never gets dark in this town.  New York is not the only city that never sleeps.  We represented NY well when we went for drinks and closed the bar at the Paris hotel's Eiffel tower restaurant.

Las Vegas.  On Canon Powershot.


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