Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You look different today, I can't put my finger on it...

Sarni dressed up as an English policeman for Halloween.  Notice the mustache - that was NOT doctored.  I feel it is necessary to point this out because for some reason, the photo makes it look like I drew the mustache.  I guarantee you, this mustache is genuine - it came from a box labelled "English Man Mustache."  It also caused Sarni a lot of grief, as it kept falling into his beer.  Finally, he balled it up and stuck it onto the middle of his upper lip, but we quickly informed him that that made him resemble a horrible historical dictator.  Mustache-be-gone.

To Sarni's (and my) surprise, lots of people commented on his English policeman costume.  Everywhere we went, people shouted "English bobby!" in bad, bad English accents.  (One man did yell "Go back to England," and an Irish man tapped into his deep Irish rage, but I was all, "Sarni!  These are compliments!  You're so convincing, people are despising you as if you were the real thing!")

I was a much less convincing cop.  In fact, after I forgot my fake handcuffs at home, someone called me and Sarni the "most ineffectual crime-fighting team ever."  They pointed out that I had no way to arrest anyone, and the only weapon between us was Sarni's plastic truncheon.  Whatever.  My hair?  You guys.  It was blonde.

Incidentally, I did try very hard to buy a fake gun and holster, but apparently you're not allowed to sell those in New York.

Our friends Megaphone and Wonderland were dressed as Marty McFly and Peg Bundy - impressive, no?  Megaphone's hoverboard was hand-crafted.  *moment of silence for the 'oohs' and 'aahs'*  Unfortunately, his excellent costume was lost on Sarni and me.  I asked him if he was a snowboarder, and Sarni asked him if he was a hoverboarder.  That's not even a thing.

Another friend, Dr. Strangelove, was dressed as a basketball player from the '80s.  We all soon realized that this was the smartest costume in the room - between Strangelove's short shorts/tank top combo and his tracksuit/tearaway warm-up gear, Strangelove was dressed for any climate you could throw at him.  I'm thinking this is the new uniform for all post-apocalyptic movies here on out.

More photos of the parade tomorrow.

Lower East Side.  On Canon Rebel SLR and Canon Powershot.

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