Friday, March 4, 2011

Sarni at the Plaza

Another "New York" landmark I haven't visited, despite living in Manhattan for several years, is the Plaza.  So Sarni and I ventured there to take a look at what all the fuss is about.  I never read the Eloise books, but I hear that's one chick who really loved her some Plaza.

First we peeked in on Todd English's Plaza "foodcourt" - his answer to Batali's Eataly, apparently.  While we didn't have time to conduct a taste test, we were a little disappointed by the general appearance.  It lacks the passion and bustle of Eataly, and it's much smaller than its Flatiron-Italian counterpart.  On the plus side, however, you can actually sit down and eat at Todd English's place without having to wait for 4 hours.

LovelyCozy, these macarons are for you.

The Plaza was filled with expensive-looking shops and displays, prominently featuring overpriced bags, jewelry and hats.  Nothing says "I'm better than you" quite like a hat with what looks like unicorn hair.

The Plaza employs only the most vigilant security guards to protect its goods.  Watch yourself.  Plaza Security Bear is judging you.

Central Park South.  On Canon Powershot.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Lai! I devour those macarons in your honor. Nom nom.


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